I remember when I was first starting AmplifySD (the now defunct internet radio station that played only San Diego bands 24/7).  There was this one band that sent me a bunch of magnetic letters and a few stickers and their EP, Spirit of a Ghost....

I decided to take a drive east today to see what I could find. This building off of Old Highway 80 caught my attention. It reminded me of that Talking Heads song Nothing but Flowers. Entropy at its finest....

[caption id="attachment_347" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Rob Crow - Sub Society"][/caption] We all know there is no replacing Stimy. This photo to me shows the emotion of the night that celebrated the life of Michael Steinman. Rob Crow did a great job honoring the fallen musician I called...

Fall is upon us, and one of my favorite fall-time recipies is a Wild Mushroom Soup. This one is awesome. I started with about a pound of chanterelle mushrooms, added carrots, onions and a bunch of other stuff and topped it with liquid sex. Um,...

[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignright" width="300" caption="© 2010 Copyright Marc Balanky"][/caption] I guess this duck was pretty tired. He let me get close enough to take several photos.  I think this one turned out the best....

[caption id="attachment_88" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Falling or Floating"][/caption] I decided I needed a new self-portrait. You see, self-portraits are what you get when a photographer can't get anybody to pose for them. I decided on a different approach for this photo.  I wanted to get an image that would...